Westcliff High School for Girls is a Academy – Converter Mainstream based in Westcliff-on-Sea at Kenilworth Gardens. You can reach the school by their telephone number 01702 476026. School ID numbers are 136490 and 5423. The school is registered in the Local Authority for Westcliff-on-Sea, under the number 882. It is a secondary, over-16 school with 33 schoolboys and 1049 schoolgirls aged from eleven to eighteen years old. This school has achieved the following assessment results on completion of particular Key Stage levels: The average KS4 evaluation score is 32.8. on completion of KS5 Westcliff High School for Girls assessment score is 1089.8.

 General Information

Street Kenilworth Gardens
Locality Westcliff-on-Sea
Postcode SS0 0BS
Phone 01702 476026
Website http://www.southend.gov.uk
Ref No. 136490
Local authority No. 882
School No. 5423
DfE No. 8825423
Age from 11 to 18
Gender Girls
School type Academy – Converter Mainstream
Enrolment Total 1082
Enrolment Girls 1049
Enrolment Boys 33
Enrolment aged 16-18 320

 KS4 Performance

Percentage achieving Level 5 or above in both English and mathematics

2009 2010 2011 2012
England 48.7% 51.3% 53.8% 53.1%
school 100% 99% 100% 99%

school % achieving lvl 5 or above inEnglish and mathematicsE…s…02550751002009201020112012Year

Year England school
2009 48.7 100
2010 51.3 99
2011 53.8 100
2012 53.1 99

KS4 Stats

School School % England
Pupils starting Key Stage in low prior attainment band 0 0% 29%
Pupils starting Key Stage in middle prior attainment band 3 2% 43%
Pupils starting Key Stage in high prior attainment band 139 98% 27%
Pupils eligible for tests for whom English is their first language: percentage 130 86% 89%
Pupils for whom English is not first language 19 13% 11%
KS4 pupils where first language is unclassified 2 1% 0%
KS4 pupils with statements of SEN or on School Action Plus 1 1% 9%

KS 4 statsS…E…0255075100Pupils star…Pupils star…Pupils star…Pupils eligi…Pupils for…KS4 pupils…KS4 pupils…

Graph School % England
Pupils starting Key Stage in low prior attainment band 0 29 0 0
Pupils starting Key Stage in middle prior attainment band 2 43 0 0
Pupils starting Key Stage in high prior attainment band 98 27 0 0
Pupils eligible for tests for whom English is their first language: percentage 86 89 0 0
Pupils for whom English is not first language 13 11 0 0
KS4 pupils where first language is unclassified 1 0 0 0
KS4 pupils with statements of SEN or on School Action Plus 1 9 0 0

KS4 Results

All pupils Low attainers Middle attainers High attainers Boys Girls Non mobile
Pupils achieving Level 2 threshold including A*-C in both English and maths GCSEs 99% NE no data 99% NE 99%
Pupils achieving grades A*-C in both English and mathematics GCSEs 100% NE no data 100% NE 100% 100%
Pupils achieving the EBacc 59% NE no data 58% NE 59%
Pupils achieving Level 2 threshold 99%
Pupils achieving Level 1 threshold 100%
Pupils achieving any qualifications 100%
Number of KS4 pupils with entries in all EBacc subject areas 89 NE no data 80
KS4 pupils with entries in all EBacc subject areas 59% NE no data 58% NE 59% 59%

KS 4 statsAllp…L…M…H…B…G…N…0255075100Pupils achi…Pupils achi…Pupils achi…Pupils achi…Pupils achi…Pupils achi…KS4 pupils…

Graph All pupils Low attainers Middle attainers High attainers Boys Girls Non mobile
Pupils achieving Level 2 threshold including A*-C in both English and maths GCSEs 99 0 0 99 0 99 0
Pupils achieving grades A*-C in both English and mathematics GCSEs 100 0 0 100 0 100 100
Pupils achieving the EBacc 59 0 0 58 0 59 0
Pupils achieving Level 2 threshold 99 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pupils achieving Level 1 threshold 100 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pupils achieving any qualifications 100 0 0 0 0 0 0
KS4 pupils with entries in all EBacc subject areas 59 0 0 58 0 59 59

KS4 Pupil progress

All pupils Low attainers Middle attainers High attainers Boys Girls Non mobile
Pupils achieving expected level of progress between KS2 and GCSE English at end KS4 (2011 methodology) 100% NE no data 100% NE 100% 100%
Pupils achieving expected level of progress between KS2 and GCSE maths at end KS4 (2011 methodology) 97% NE no data 98% NE 97% 97%
Best 8 VA measure 1022.3 NE no data 1023.0
Best 8 VA lower 95% confidence limit 1011.8 NE no data 1011.5
Best 8 VA upper 95% confidence limit 1032.9 NE no data 1034.6
Coverage indicator – pupils at the end of KS2 included in VA calculation 93%

KS 4 statsAllp…L…M…H…B…G…N…0255075100Pupils achi…Pupils achi…

Graph All pupils Low attainers Middle attainers High attainers Boys Girls Non mobile
Pupils achieving expected level of progress between KS2 and GCSE English at end KS4 (2011 methodology) 100 0 0 100 0 100 100
Pupils achieving expected level of progress between KS2 and GCSE maths at end KS4 (2011 methodology) 97 0 0 98 0 97 97

Average point scorres

All students Low attainers Middle attainers High attainers Boys Girls
Total average (capped) score per pupil 430.9 NE no data 432.5 NE 430.9
Total average (capped) score per pupil (GCSEs only) 429.0 NE no data 430.8 NE 429.0
Average grade per qualification per pupil for pupils with low prior attainment NE no data A-
Average grade per GCSE per pupil for pupils with low prior attainment NE no data A

KS 4 statsAllst…Lowat…M…H…B…G…0125250375500Total aver…Total aver…

Graph All students Low attainers Middle attainers High attainers Boys Girls
Total average (capped) score per pupil 430.9 0 0 432.5 0 430.9
Total average (capped) score per pupil (GCSEs only) 429 0 0 430.8 0 429

Exam tries

All students Low attainers Middle attainers High attainers
Average KS4 entries per pupil 14.4 NE no data 14.4
Average GCSE entries per pupil 12.2 NE no data 12.3

KS 4 statsAllst…Lowat…M…H…0481216Average K…Average G…

Graph All students Low attainers Middle attainers High attainers
Average KS4 entries per pupil 14.4 0 0 14.4
Average GCSE entries per pupil 12.2 0 0 12.3

KS4 Narrow the gap

Disadv. students (2012) Other students (2012) Disadv. students (2011) Other students (2011)
Number of students 4 147
Percentage of students 3% 97% 6% 94%
Percentage of students achieving grades A*-C in English and maths GCSEs no data no data 100% 100%
% students achieving level 5+ Eng and Maths GCSEs no data no data 100% 100%
% of students making expected progress in English no data no data 100%
% of students making expected progress in Maths no data no data 100% 100%
Best 8 VA measure no data no data
Best 8 VA lower 95% confidence limit for disadv. students no data no data
Best 8 VA upper 95% confidence limit for disadv. students no data no data
Avg. entries per student – all qualifications no data no data 13.9 13.7
Avg. score per student (best 8) – all qualifications no data no data 432.3 433.2

KS 4 statsD…O…D…O…0255075100Percentag…Percentag…% student…% of stude…% of stude…Avg. entrie…

Graph Disadv. students (2012) Other students (2012) Disadv. students (2011) Other students (2011)
Percentage of students 3 97 6 94
Percentage of students achieving grades A*-C in English and maths GCSEs 0 0 100 100
% students achieving level 5+ Eng and Maths GCSEs 0 0 100 100
% of students making expected progress in English 0 0 100 0
% of students making expected progress in Maths 0 0 100 100
Avg. entries per student – all qualifications 0 0 13.9 13.7

 School KS5 data

KS5 Results

School England
KS5 students achieving 3 or more A levels at A*-E 100% 65%
KS5 students achieving 2 or more A levels at A*-E 100% 77%
KS5 students achieving at least 1 A level at A*-E 100% 85%
KS5 students achieving 3 or more A levels at A*-E (including academic qualifications) 100% 66%
KS5 students achieving 2 or more A levels at A*-E (including academic qualifications) 100% 78%
KS5 students achieving at least 1 A level at A*-E (including academic qualifications) 100% 85%
KS5 students achieving 3 or more A levels at A*-E (including equivalences) 100% 82%
KS5 students achieving 2 or more A levels at A*-E (including equivalences) 100% 95%
KS5 students achieving at least 1 A level at A*-E (including equivalences) 100% 100%
A level students achieving 3 A levels at AAB or higher in facilitating subjects 19% 8%
KS5 students achieving 3 A levels at AAB or higher in facilitating subjects 19% 8%
A level students achieving 3 A levels at AAB or higher, of which at least 2 are in facilitating subjects 33% 13%
KS5 students achieving 3 A levels at AAB or higher, of which at least 2 are in facilitating subjects 33% 12%
Average score per A level student 1064.1 695
Average score per A level entry 241.5 208
Average score per academic student 1064.1 700
Average score per academic entry 241.5 208
Average score per student (including equivalences) 1089.8 744
Average score per entry (including equivalences) 241.9 210

KS 4 statsS…E…03006009001,200KS5 stude…KS5 stude…KS5 stude…Average s…Average s…Average s…

Graph School England
KS5 students achieving at least 1 A level at A*-E 100 85 0 0
KS5 students achieving 3 or more A levels at A*-E (including academic qualifications) 100 66 0 0
KS5 students achieving 3 A levels at AAB or higher in facilitating subjects 19 8 0 0
A level students achieving 3 A levels at AAB or higher, of which at least 2 are in facilitating subjects 33 13 0 0
KS5 students achieving 3 A levels at AAB or higher, of which at least 2 are in facilitating subjects 33 12 0 0
Average score per A level student 1,064.1 695 0 0
Average score per A level entry 241.5 208 0 0
Average score per academic student 1,064.1 700 0 0
Average score per academic entry 241.5 208 0 0
Average score per student (including equivalences) 1,089.8 744 0 0
Average score per entry (including equivalences) 241.9 210 0 0

KS5 Score

2009 2010 2011 2012
Average score per student 983.7 1010.4 1048.6 1089.8
Average score per entry 245.0 238.7 241.0 241.9

KS 4 stats2…2…2…2…03006009001,200Average s…Average s…

Graph 2009 2010 2011 2012
Average score per student 983.7 1,010.4 1,048.6 1,089.8
Average score per entry 245 238.7 241 241.9

 School education stats / spendings

Education Destination Measure for 2009/10 cohort

Pupils School England
Total in a sustained education destination 140 95.00% 86%
Further Education College 10 6% 33%
Other Further Education Provider 0 0% 4%
School Sixth Form 130 85% 40%
Sixth Form College 5 4% 13%
Apprenticeships 0 0% 5%
UK Higher Education Institution 0 0% 0%
Education combination 0 0% 0%
Activity not captured in data no data no data 9%
Education destination not sustained 5 5.00% 6%

KS 4 statsS…E…0255075100Total in a s…Other Furt…Sixth Form…UK Higher…Activity not…

Graph School England
0 0 0 0
Total in a sustained education destination 95 86 0 0
Further Education College 6 33 0 0
Other Further Education Provider 0 4 0 0
School Sixth Form 85 40 0 0
Sixth Form College 4 13 0 0
Apprenticeships 0 5 0 0
UK Higher Education Institution 0 0 0 0
Education combination 0 0 0 0
Activity not captured in data 0 9 0 0
Education destination not sustained 5 6 0 0

 Other school information

Students data

School School % England
Pupils with SEN statement or on School Action Plus 6 0.6% 13%
Pupils on roll with SEN on School Action 19 1.8% 11%
Pupils with English not as first language 160 14.8% 14%
Pupils where first language is unclassified 0 0.0% 0%
Pupils eligible for free school meals 25 3.3% 20%
Pupils eligible for FSM at any time during the past 6 years 36.0 4.7% 27%

KS 4 statsS…E…0.07.515.022.530.0Pupils with…Pupils on r…Pupils with…Pupils whe…Pupils eligi…Pupils eligi…

Graph School % England
Pupils with SEN statement or on School Action Plus 0.6 13 0 0
Pupils on roll with SEN on School Action 1.8 11 0 0
Pupils with English not as first language 14.8 14 0 0
Pupils where first language is unclassified 0 0 0 0
Pupils eligible for free school meals 3.3 20 0 0
Pupils eligible for FSM at any time during the past 6 years 4.7 27 0 0

Pupil Absence

School England
Overall absence: percentage 3.0% 4.7%
Persistent absence: more than 15% 0.8% 4.4%

KS 4 statsS…E… ab…Persistent…

Graph School England
Overall absence: percentage 3 4.7 0 0
Persistent absence: more than 15% 0.8 4.4 0 0

School Workforce

School England
Number of teachers 81 22
Number of all teaching assistants 11 15
Number of all support (exc. auxillary) staff 24 8
Full-time equivalent number of all teachers 70.9 20
Full-time equivalent number of all teaching assistants 5.1 10
Full-time equivalent number of all support (exc. auxillary) staff 17.8 6
Ratio of pupils to teachers 16.7 19
Average gross salary of all full-time qualified teachers 37542 37126

KS 4 statsS…E…0255075100Number of…

Graph School England
Number of teachers 81 22 0 0