As we all know very well the World Health Organization has declared the Coronavirus outbreak a serious emergency in which everyone has to follow SOPs strictly. Social distancing is the main point in all and everyone is practicing social distancing by staying at their homes. We all know about the death ratio from the whole world from the last few years and the current market situation in which every type of business is surviving a lot by all means. No doubt, the professional industry has faced a lot more troubles due to the COVID-19 outbreak and it is very much important and compulsory these days to provide the respective industry great support in form of reliable solutions. The best and effective solution which we can see all around in these days is the proper utilization of modern technology and its introduced factors.
The role of modern technology and its introduced factors have reshaped the whole industry in the best way and we all know it very well that everything has stabled due to utilizing the online solution. Organizations have utilized the best trend of the online solution in which they have allowed their employees to manage official tasks from their homes. Well, it has worked well and it has also promoted the business industry in the market as it was before the pandemic situation. Now, everywhere you will see the use of an online solution that will ensure you that you are perfectly in a secure mode and this is the finest way to beat the serious outbreak through great intelligence of modern technology.
As we all witnessed that traditional events have been canceled for an unspecified period. These events are also considered the best solution to boost up any type and size of business in the market by all means. Since we are utilizing so many technical factors to get save from coronavirus outbreak. Here we will let you know one of the greatest inventions of all time in the shape of coronavirus scanner which has reinvited the modern industry to its workplace again and people are also using this gadget for real-time protection respectively. Here we will let you know in detail about the positive factors of coronavirus scanner and you will also get to know how it may help you out to get notified about the affected people in a large group respectively.
A Detailed Information about Coronavirus Scanner:
Coronavirus scanner is the best and impressive gadget of this era with having the best solution to find out affected people in a large group. It has installed the best quality thermal camera option that will help you out to get check deeply the body temperature of the person who is trying to enter the commercial building. It will scan immediately and you will see the accurate body temperature detail on the scanner screen. If you think that the body temperature is normal, allow the person to enter the premises and also describe the person to apply other SOPs to get save from serious infection.
Its intelligent services are not only limited up to here, you will also get to know about the benefits of using this incredible option for securing the workplace from every type of mishap respectively. Before going to discuss it in detail about it, here we will provide you a brief introduction by specifying the technical specifications here.
Technical Specification of Thermal Scanner:
- Quad Core 1.8GHZ ARM Processor SoC
- Quad Core T760 GPU
- 8GB Internal Storage
- 8” Touchscreen with 800*1280 Resolution
- RFID Reader
- Wi-Fi
- RJ45 Ethernet
- Web Management Interface
- Serial COM for connection to access gates
Read these specs in detail to get a clear idea about its intelligence and you will also find it effective in many other ways as well. The use of a thermal scanner is being compulsory at commercial places. Here we will describe to you the quality benefits of using it and how it will guard your organization from a serious outbreak.
Why Prefer Thermal Scanner for Commercial Use?
These points will clear you the whole story in detail and you might find this thing useful and smart by all means.
- It is your responsibility to guard your employees by providing them best facilities when they are in the office premises. The best and effective option is to utilize thermal scanner that will guard your employees completely.
- Scan regularly your employees and outsiders to make sure that you are in a secure mode. Everything will get set in a perfect way.
- Thermal scanner has an ability to scan more than 1000 people in an hour and you will find this option useful and smart.
- Thermal scanner will also allow you to arrange inhouse meetings and it will help you out in the whole scenario.